In the Forward Look, key consenting issues and risks have been identified for wave and tidal energy. ORJIP Ocean Energy has identified where research can help reduce uncertainty around these key consent issues at a strategic level. High priority strategic research projects have been scoped here to support the development of research proposals.
Further information can be found in the Forward Look.
Please contact the Secretariat if you would like to be involved any of these projects or would like to contribute to the next Forward Look.
Please use the drop-down menu to select a topic, followed by the button to expand a project.
![]() | Near-field monitoring of marine mammals around operational tidal turbines and first arrays to inform collision risk assessment |
Aim |
To monitor the behaviour of marine mammals around operational tidal turbines to build an evidence base to inform collision risk assessments for tidal projects and to help determine whether or not collision is ever likely to be an issue for marine mammals. |
Objective |
There is concern that collisions between marine mammals and operational tidal turbines may occur. Monitoring studies to date have been limited and have largely focused on collision detection, providing little evidence to help reduce uncertainty. Strategic monitoring studies around single turbines and first arrays have the potential to provide evidence to reduce uncertainty around collision risk, evasion and avoidance behaviour. This evidence will help determine whether or not collision is every likely to be an issue for marine mammals; establishing the need for future baseline characterisation surveys and post-consent mitigation and monitoring. |
Required outputs |
Location |
Any installed tidal turbines at test sites including EMEC, Meygen (Inner Sound), TEL (Ramsey Sound), Minesto (Strangford Lough) |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
Recommended actions |
Investigate opportunities or mechanisms for collaborative data sharing or strategic monitoring across test sites, demo zones and projects (ORJIP Ocean Energy and Project Managers) |
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Further research to help understand the possible likelihood, probability and consequence of collision with tidal turbines for marine mammals |
Aim |
To help establish whether key species are ever likely to be struck by operational tidal turbine |
Objective |
Due to a perceived risk that collision events with tidal turbines may occur, tidal developers are required to install highly precautionary collision risk monitoring systems to detect any potential events and to increase understanding as to the likelihood of collision events occurring. However, targeted lab-based research and modelling into the potential for collision events to occur and the possible consequences of any collision events may help to determine if collisions with tidal turbines are a real concern, or not, for key species within shorter timescales. Laboratory testing and modelling may also be a more cost effective mechanism for investigating the likelihood and consequences of collision risk with tidal turbines than monitoring at sea. Such studies have the potential to provide evidence that will help determine the possible likelihood and probability of any collision events occurring. This evidence will directly inform the need for future baseline characterisation surveys and post-consent mitigation and monitoring. |
Required outputs |
Location |
N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
![]() |
Further development of instrumentation and methodologies for detecting potential collision events around tidal turbines and arrays |
Aim |
To support the development of technologies and agreed approaches for detecting and identifying wildlife, monitoring wildlife behaviour and interactions with machines and support structures in high energy environments. |
Objective |
The use of monitoring systems which have already been developed has not been exploited optimally because of lack of funding. There are also significant challenges regarding use of existing technology which currently undermine our ability to monitor at the scale of arrays, and over timescales needed to obtain useful data. Hence, powering up, marinisation and ease of deployment / recovery are all considerations which need to be urgently addressed, as is the potential to deploy monitoring technology in tandem with devices / foundations. It is also clear that some of the existing technologies do not collect data at appropriate spatial scales to be of use, and development of appropriate software / data transfer systems often lags behind the development of the hardware. Development of GPS tagging technology has proceeded apace and there is much to gain from use of telemetry and tagging at array deployment sites. Further development of suitable instrumentation and methodologies are clearly required to enable strategic monitoring studies to proceed. Strategic monitoring studies around single turbines and first arrays have the potential to provide evidence to reduce uncertainty around collision risk, evasion and avoidance behaviour. This evidence will help determine whether or not collision is every likely to be an issue for marine mammals; establishing the need for future baseline characterisation surveys and post-consent mitigation and monitoring. |
Required outputs |
Location |
Test sites and first arrays |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
![]() | Establishment of an acoustic ‘evidence base’ for operational devices and arrays |
Aim |
To ensure access to the best available data and information regarding underwater noise and marine energy projects for regulators, advisors, developers and researchers. |
Objective |
An underwater noise database was created through a NERC KE project which aims to improve knowledge of underwater noise emitted by marine renewable devices around the coast of the UK to ultimately improve noise assessments, comparability of acoustic data and sound propagation models. This database needs to be maintained and hosted in such a way that maximises its future use in research and project development/consenting activities. |
Required outputs |
Well maintained and accessible database to improve knowledge of underwater noise emitted by marine renewable devices and associated infrastructure |
Location |
N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
None identified |
Candidate project(s) |
None identified |
Recommended actions |
Facilitate discussions to ensure that database is maintained and accessible to all (ORJIP Ocean Energy) |
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Development of noise propagation models to further reduce uncertainty regarding the potential impacts of commercial scale arrays |
Aim |
To inform assessment of potential impacts of operational noise from demonstration and commercial scale arrays on key species |
Objective |
There is currently broad agreement that the operation of single tidal turbines and small arrays will not result in significant effects on key species as a result of underwater noise. Concern remains that there is not sufficient evidence to rule out potentially significant effects from the operational of commercial scale arrays. The development of a robust noise propagation model, in parallel with gathering and sharing acoustic monitoring data from single machines, will enable developers to predict the acoustic profiles of arrays. This information can then be used to inform commercial scale EIA/HRA and will determine the need for any future baseline or post-consent monitoring studies. It will be important to consider how tidal flow and sea state might affect noise propagation and turbine noise modelling. |
Required outputs |
Location |
N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
A review of the different approaches to noise modelling at consented W&T projects around the UK. This would need to be undertaken by an independent academic expert. |
![]() | Development of an agreed approach to assessing the potential effects and consequences of displacement from wave and tidal arrays |
Aim |
Objective |
At present, wave and tidal developers are required to consider the potential effects of displacement on marine birds, mammals and fish in relation to first arrays. However, it is essential at this time to consider whether or not displacement from wave and tidal arrays is ever likely to result in a biologically significant population effect. |
Required outputs |
Location |
N/A |
Recently completed project(s) |
Hebridean Marine Energy Futures project (awaiting publication) |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
A review of existing approaches/models (e.g. those used by offshore wind industry) to investigate the consequences of displacement and refinement of these models for use in wave and tidal industries. Possible leads would be SMRU (marine mammals) and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) (birds) |
![]() | Further studies and research to understand the potential social and economic opportunities and impacts from the development of marine energy projects in rural communities |
Aim |
In line with Scottish and Welsh government policies to maximise the benefits from marine energy for the local and wider supply chain, various host communities and local/community investors who provide the backbone of support, and the key to future opportunities for the marine energy sector |
Objectives |
Required outputs |
Location |
Learn from communities already associated with marine energy e.g. Orkney, Islay, Strangford, Cornwall, Isle of Wight, Cromarty Firth, Caithness & Sutherland, Shetland, Western Isles, Rathlin, S Wales, Anglesey, etc. Engage with all levels of stakeholders |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
![]() | Monitoring around operational tidal turbines and first arrays to gather information on the behaviour of diving birds, marine mammals, basking shark and migratory fish around operating tidal turbines |
Aim |
To gather data to help understand what effects on behaviour, if any, the presence and operation of devices and arrays may have on key species. |
Objective |
Strategic monitoring studies around single turbines and first arrays have the potential to increase understanding of behaviour of key species around operational tidal turbines and associated infrastructure. This evidence will help establish the need for future baseline characterisation surveys, inform future EIA/HRA and the need for any post-consent mitigation and monitoring. |
Required outputs |
Location |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
Recommended actions |
![]() | Development of mitigation measures for identified and potential impacts of wave and tidal developments |
Aim |
To develop a ‘toolbox’ of possible mitigation measures for use in EIA/HRA and the development of Project Environmental Management Plans |
Objectives |
The development of an industry Toolbox which lists and describes mitigation measures that can be implemented to reduce or remove identified and possible impacts that may result from tidal energy developments could be used in the development of project specific Project Environmental Management Plans. The creation and maintenance of a common platform, or Toolbox, would ensure that all developers and regulators have access to the best available information regarding possible mitigation measures. It is important that this is informed by a review of the effectiveness of each mitigation measure from environmental monitoring reports and other research. It is possible that new or adapted mitigation measures may be required to reduce or remove certain potential impacts. Any requirement for new and adapted measures will be determined through the deployment and monitoring of single machines and first arrays. |
Required outputs |
Location |
N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) | Trial of acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) at the TEL Ramsey Sound site |
![]() | Further development of instrumentation and methodologies for monitoring wildlife behaviour around tidal turbines and arrays |
Aim |
To support the development of technologies and agreed approaches for detecting and identifying wildlife, monitoring wildlife behaviour and interactions with machines and support structures in high energy environments. |
Objective |
The use of monitoring systems which have already been developed has not been exploited optimally because of lack of funding. There are also significant challenges regarding use of existing technology which currently undermine our ability to monitor at the scale of arrays, and over timescales needed to obtain useful data. Hence, powering up, marinisation and ease of deployment/recovery are all considerations which need to be urgently addressed, as is the potential to deploy monitoring technology in tandem with devices/foundations. It is also clear that some of the existing technologies do not collect data at appropriate spatial scales to be of use, and development of appropriate software/data transfer systems often lags behind the development of the hardware. Development of GPS tagging technology has proceeded apace and there is much to gain from use of telemetry and tagging at array deployment sites. Further development of suitable instrumentation and methodologies are clearly required to enable strategic monitoring studies to proceed. Strategic monitoring studies around single turbines and first arrays have the potential to provide evidence to reduce uncertainty around collision risk, evasion and avoidance behaviour. This evidence will help determine whether or not collision is every likely to be an issue for marine mammals; establishing the need for future baseline characterisation surveys and post-consent mitigation and monitoring. |
Required outputs |
Critique of the capabilities of existing technologies including the suitability, quality, reliability, durability, limitations, etc. for use in high energy marine environments combined with an analysis of the specific development/innovation needs to allowing detection and monitoring at the scale of arrays. |
Location |
Test sites and first arrays |
Recently completed project(s) | SNH and MS funded report (SNH, 2015), Development of a monitoring protocol for assessing the use of seal haul-out sites in the Sound of Islay. Available at: |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
![]() | Further research to improve understanding of the potential population level effects of protected mobile species from commercial scale wave and tidal current projects |
Aim |
To improve understanding of population level impacts and develop methods to assess the significance of population level impacts for protected mobile species to improve confidence in EIA/HRA for commercial scale projects and to inform project specific monitoring requirements. |
Objectives |
It is important to understand potential project specific and cumulative effects on populations of key species in order to inform EIA/HRA. There is uncertainty as to the level of impact that may result in a significant population level effect for protected species. This has resulted in a precautionary approach being applied to planned arrays requiring developers to undertake extensive baseline survey work to inform EIA/HRA. This has also resulted in a number of developers being required to implement mitigation and monitoring measures that may be disproportionate to the actual risks posed by developments. Confidence in EIA/HRA would be improved by establishing thresholds of acceptable change to mobile species populations by developing methodologies and tools for setting/allocating thresholds for features across multiple projects or in combination with other impacts. Reduced uncertainty around population level effects will help streamline future consenting process and help ensure that project level data gathering requirements are proportionate to the potential risks posed by the development. |
Required outputs |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) | Review of different models that are currently being used to assess population level effects e.g. PcoD, PBR. |
![]() | Review and dissemination of findings of environmental monitoring studies |
Aim |
To provide regulators, industry and stakeholders with the best available information regarding the potential environmental impacts of wave and tidal developments |
Objectives |
To ensure that the best available information and data is available to regulators, agencies, stakeholders, developers and researchers to inform; marine planning and site selection, EIA/HRA, the development of Project Environmental Management Plans and future industry wide research plans. It is essential that data and information generated through international research and monitoring is considered/disseminated at a UK and project level and that it is used to inform policy and project level decisions at the earliest opportunity, to shrink the current gap between science and policy/decision making. |
Required outputs |
Location | N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
OES Annex IV (including the Tethys database, webinars, expert forums and State of the Science Report led by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) |
Candidate project(s) | Continuation and expansion of OES Annex IV |
Recommended actions |
![]() | Review of PBR approach to regulation including consideration of alternatives |
Aim |
To review the existing PBR based approach to consenting marine energy projects in the UK and to identify and consider alternatives |
Objective |
At present, there is an assumption that collisions will occur between sensitive species and that all collisions would result in mortality. This, coupled with the robustness of PBR models, makes it difficult to provide a realistic quantitative assessment of the potential impacts of wave and tidal energy developments, making future projects difficult to consent. This project will help to identify possible alternative approaches/improvements for high priority species e.g. harbour seal and will help identify further research priorities. |
Required outputs |
Location |
N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Marine Scotland – Fine scale (1km x 1km) seal density mapping to update seal density maps for PFOW |
Candidate project(s) | A review of the use of PBR as a tool for assessing the significance of or thresholds for impacts on marine mammals within consenting processes. Note: NRW are considering commissioning this project pending availability of required resources (funds and staff time). Would be managed by Dr Tom Stringell, Senior Marine Mammal ecologist. |
Recommended actions |
Feedback results from workshop on ‘methods for assessing impacts on seal populations’ on 3rd Feb 2016 (SNH and Marine Scotland) |
![]() | Development of methods/processes for identifying and managing environmental risks associated with wave and tidal energy developments within the consenting process |
Aim |
To review and improve the existing approach to risk management within the consenting process so as to ensure that project specific requirements are proportionate to the potential risks posed by a specific development |
Objectives |
At present, a precautionary approach to consenting has been applied to most tidal energy developments, particularly planned arrays. This has resulted in requirements for lengthy and expensive baseline studies which have significantly affected project timescales and development budgets. There is an apparent disconnect between such survey requirements and the ability of the data to help identify, assess and manage potential impacts specific to tidal energy developments. There is growing concern that by applying a precautionary approach, the level of scrutiny being placed on the sector is disproportionate to the potential risks posed by tidal energy projects. A number of tools, methods and processes for managing environmental risks associated with tidal energy developments have been developed in recent years. Further development and consolidation of these tools and methods could help establish a common and proportionate approach to risk management similar to that seen in other sectors e.g. oil and gas and aquaculture which could help streamline future consenting processes for commercial scale tidal energy projects. |
Required outputs |
Location |
N/A |
Recently completed project(s) | NRW Guidance to inform marine mammal site characterisation requirements at wave and tidal stream energy sites in Wales (July 2015) ( NRW commissioned report carried out by SMRU Consulting. This project developed a framework for assessing risk to marine mammals from wave and tidal stream developments and provides guidance on how to tailor surveys to provide better information for impact assessments. |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Horizon 2020 RiCORE Work package 3 – Survey, Deploy and Monitor. This work package concerns the feasibility of a rollout of the Survey Deploy and Monitor approach to consenting across the EU as well as other forms of risk-based and adaptive management. See http://ricore-project.euScottish Government – Review of the potential impacts of wave and tidal energy developments on Scotland’s marine ecological environment |
Candidate project(s) | Review of existing consents to determine how baseline survey data was used to inform the decision making process with a view to establishing good practice/principles |
Recommended actions |
![]() | Development and agreement of methods/processes for implementing a design envelope approach to consenting wave and tidal arrays |
Aim |
To develop and agree a suitable approach for implementing a design envelope approach to EIA and HRA for wave and tidal arrays. |
Objective |
Due to the nascent nature of the ocean energy sector, it is difficult for project developers to fully define proposals at the scoping and EIA stage to the standard that may be expected for more established (particularly onshore) sectors. In order to consent projects, regulators require sufficient information to fully understand the potential for any significant impacts to arise from a proposal. Given the current status of the energy extraction technologies and supporting infrastructure, there are also considerable benefits in retaining a degree of flexibility in a consent application. Conversely, a design envelope which is too wide, can lead to unrealistic development scenarios and considerable difficulties in predicting and assessing potential impacts, particularly where cumulative and in-combination impacts are being considered. This topic was raised during a recent workshop held in Cardiff by The Crown Estate, Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural Resources Wales, Natural England and Welsh Government. Participants agreed that further support and guidance is required to ensure that project design envelopes can be defined in such a way that allows developers to retain a necessary degree of flexibility whilst meeting the requirements of regulators and stakeholders. This should consider the implications of the project design envelope through the whole consenting process from pre-application through consents to post-consent construction and operation. |
Required outputs |
Location |
N/A |
Recently completed project(s) | Findings of UK Demo Zone workshop held in Cardiff in July 2015 by The Crown Estate, Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural Resources Wales, Natural England and Welsh Government (Available at: |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
None identified at this time. |
Candidate project(s) |
Recommended actions |
![]() | Development and agreement of methods/processes for developing Project Environmental Management Plans, incorporating mitigation measures and adaptive management strategies, for demonstration and commercial scale wave and tidal arrays |
Aim |
To provide methods and procedures for developing PEMPs for commercial scale, long terms wave and tidal array developments |
Objectives |
Project Environmental Management Plans have been developed for single device installations and small scale arrays. In order to move towards the planning for and consenting of commercial scale arrays, methods and procedures are required to help develop PEMPs and adaptive management strategies to enable the development of commercial scale and long term PEMPs for wave and tidal projects. |
Required outputs |
Location | N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Recently completed project(s) | Adaptive Management Plans for MCT (Strangford Lough), Anglesey Skerries and Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon |
Candidate project(s) | Development of guidance for producing Project Environmental Management Plans |
![]() | An agreed approach to undertaking any HRA with regards to SACs for harbour porpoise is required |
Aim |
To determine HRA requirements for future wave and tidal project applications and any implications for existing sites and licenced developments |
Objectives |
Due to requirements of the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), SNCBs are required to identify Special Areas of Conservation for harbour porpoise. There is currently uncertainty as to when sites currently under consideration in the UK will go to consultation, at which point they will need to be considered during HRA. |
Required outputs |
Location | N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
![]() | Development of agreed methods/processes for assessing, mitigating and managing potential impacts on shipping and navigation |
Aim |
To develop agreed methods/processes for assessing, mitigating and managing potential impacts on shipping and navigation |
Objectives |
To develop agreed methods/processes for assessing, mitigating and managing potential impacts on shipping and navigation; particularly in relation to potential cumulative impacts around development clusters and strategic development areas. |
Required outputs |
Location | N/A |
Relevant projects currently planned or underway |
Candidate project(s) |
ORJIP OE is also open to any existing projects already underway that fall within the scope of the priority projects as a way of raising the profile of the research and sharing data. ORJIP OE encourages Network members to approach the Secretariat if they have any relevant project ideas, or suitable project sites and the Secretariat can provide the necessary coordination to help put projects together.